David Clifford

David has longstanding and wide-ranging experience of analysing quantitative data, both from regulatory administrative sources and surveys, on charities.  In particular he has experience of linking together Charity Commission records from different years to facilitate analysis which follows the population of registered charitable organisations in England and Wales through time – providing insight into, for example, the factors associated with the survival of charities, and the trends in the income of charities during the Great Recession and subsequent period of public spending austerity, and during the COVID-19 pandemic.  He is involved, with colleagues from the Universities of Stirling, Birmingham, Oxford and the West of Scotland, in a project seeking to improve access to and the use of organisational level data on charities and other third sector organisations in the UK.  He has also recently worked, with colleagues from the Universities of Birmingham, Glasgow, Strathclyde, and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, on a project exploring the role of charities in the National Health Service.  David studied geography as an undergraduate (St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford), and Social Statistics (MSc) and Demography (PhD) as a postgraduate (University of Southampton).  Alongside his work with the Gradel Institute, he is also Associate Professor in the Department of Social Statistics and Demography in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southampton.

List and links to three articles

Gender inequalities in unpaid public work: retention, stratification and segmentation in the volunteer leadership of charities in England and Wales

David Clifford, 2023, British Journal of Sociology

DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.13070

Serving as a charitable trustee in England and Wales: trends in volunteering by birth cohort

David Clifford, 2020, Sociology, 55(2), 319-348

DOI: 10.1177/0038038520937596

Neighborhood context and enduring differences in the density of charitable organizations: reinforcing dynamics of foundation and dissolution

David Clifford, 2017, American Journal of Sociology, 123(6), 1535-1600

DOI: 10.1086/697895